Level: Stage 1
Duration: Full Year
Prerequisite: Must play a musical instrument which can include voice, and must be willing to participate in Instrumental Music lessons on a weekly basis.
Additional Cost: Purchase of a School Music Performance Shirt ($20)
**It is expected that students will undertake both Semester 1 and 2 in preparation for Stage 2 Music.
Further Enquiries:
- Please contact Arts coordinator Cenise Macdonald
- Phone: 8647 3300
Who Is This Course For?
Music Advanced programs are designed to extend students’ existing musical understanding and skills in creating and responding to music. They provide pathways to Stage 2 Music Studies, Music Performance: Ensemble, Music Performance: Solo, and/or Music Explorations
What Will I Learn?
The subject consists of the following strands:
- Understanding Music
- Creating Music
- Responding to Music
Students develop an understanding of the elements of music and apply this understanding to create their own music as performances, arrangements, or compositions. They develop their musical literacy through responding to and reflecting on their own and others’ musical works.
How will I be assessed?
For a 10-credit subject, students should provide evidence of their learning through four assessments.
Each assessment type should have a weighting of at least 20%.
Students undertake:
- At least two creative works
- At least one musical literacy task