Level: Stage 1
Pre requisite: None required
Additional Cost: None
Further Enquiries:
- Please contact HPE coordinator Mr Nick Wedding
- Phone: 8647 3300
Who Is This Course For?
This course is suited to students that have an interest in sport, health and fitness. They will be presented with opportunities to learn through physical activity and other integrated activities. Students will be given the opportunity to improve individual and team performance by using informed practice. Enrolling in this course will introduce students to the learning processes presented at Stage 2 and provide a foundation they can build on, for the following year.
What Will I Learn?
Students develop knowledge and understanding of key concepts through their participation in physical activities such as sports, theme-based games, fitness and/or recreational activities. When constructing performance improvement tasks, students will engage in content linked to Biomechanical Principles, Human Physiology, Coaching Methods, Training Principles, Movement Concepts and Strategies. Assessment Type 2 requires students to participate in activities, to investigate how personal, social and cultural factors influence participation. Each assessment task will require students to collect and analyse evidence as they develop analytical skills needed for Stage 2 Physical Education.
How will I be assessed?
Semester 1:
Type 1: Performance Improvement (50%)
words or a 9 minute oral/multi-modal presentation
Type 2: Physical Activity Participation (50%)
words or a 9 minute oral/multi-modal presentation
Semester 2:
Type 1: Performance Improvement Task A (50%)
words or a 9 minute oral/multi-modal presentation
Type 1: Performance Improvement Task B (50%)
words or a 9 minute oral/multi-modal presentation