Further Enquiries:

Course Code:2ESH20

Level: Stage 2

Learning Area: English

Duration: Full Year

Pre requisite: Successful completion of Essential English at A level or higher, or English at a C level or higher.

Additional Cost: None

Who Is This Course For?

Students wanting to develop their oral and written communication skills for a range of audiences and purposes. It cultivates an appreciation and understanding of a range of texts, and the ability to respond to these in a variety of forms.

What Will I Learn?

The course is divided into three areas:

  1. Responding to Texts: Students produce three responses to shared texts – a novel, a film and media texts.
  2. Creating Texts: Students produce three different forms of writing plus a writer’s statement.
  3. Comparative Analysis: Students complete a written comparative analysis of two texts.

How will I be assessed?

You will demonstrate evidence of your learning through the following assessment types:

School Based Assessment:

  • Responding to Texts – 30%
  • Creating Texts – 40%

External Assessment:

  • Comparative Analysis – 30%