Further Enquiries:

Course Code: 2IPR20

Level: Stage 2

Learning Area: Technologies

Duration: Full Year

Pre requisite: None required

Additional Cost: None

Who Is This Course For?

This subject focuses on the application of practical skills to provide creative solutions to text-based communication tasks.

What Will I Learn?

You will:

  • Apply appropriate hardware and software to complete text-based communication tasks
  • Critically evaluate the development process used in the creation of documents
  • Use technology to design and implement information processing solutions
  • Use page layout software to assemble text and graphics for publishing in paper-based format

The two focus areas of study are:

  • Business documents
  • Desktop publishing

How will I be assessed?

You will demonstrate evidence of your learning through the following assessment types.

  • Personal publishing
  • Practical skills
  • Product and documentation
  • Issues analysis

School Based Assessment:

  • Practical skills 40%
  • Issues analysis 30%

External Assessment:

  • Product and documentation 30%