Level: Stage 2

Prerequisite: None required

Additional Cost: None

Further Enquiries:

Who Is This Course For?

Stage 2 Modern History is for those students who are interested in the growth of the modern world; however, the individual history essay also allows students to explore an area of personal interest. Students are expected to consider both current issues and their historical background. Stage 2 Modern History requires sound literacy and communication skills, independent learning skills and strong organisational skills. Students must be willing to spend at least four hours per week on wider reading.

What Will I Learn?

Stage 2 Modern History is a 20-credit subject.

Students study one topic from ‘Modern nations’ and one topic from ‘Modern nations’ and one topic from ‘The world since 1945’, selected from the following list of topics:

Modern nations

Topic 1: Australia (1901-56)

Topic 2: United States of America (1914-45)

Topic 3: Germany (1918-48)

Topic 4: The Soviet Union and Russia (1945-c.2004)

Topic 5: Indonesia (1942-2005)

Topic 6: China (1949-c.2012)

The world since 1945

Topic 7: The changing world order (1945- )

Topic 8: Australia’s relationship with Asia and the South Pacific Region (1945- )

Topic 9: National self-determination in South-East Asia (1945- )

Topic 10: The struggle for peace and security (1945- )

Topic 11: Challenges to pace and security (1945- )

Topic 12: The United Nations and establishment of a global perspective (1945- )

In their study of a topic from “Modern nations’, students investigate the concepts of ‘nation’ and ‘state’, and the social, political and economic changes.

How will I be assessed?

You will demonstrate evidence of your learning through the following assessment types.

School Based Assessment:

  • Historical Skills 50%
  • Historical Study 20%

External Assessment:

  • Examination 30%