THE ARTS: DRAMA – Subject Type: Split; 1 Term and 1 Semester

This course aims for students to experience the elements of Drama as a performing art in a way that is current and relevant. Students learn to explore their own creativity through an understanding of the fundamentals of performing arts theory, practice and performance techniques.

Students work collaboratively in improvisational and group-devised activities. They demonstrate their understanding of play analysis and develop confidence in their own skills by participating in a whole group performance to a peer audience, either in an on-stage role as an actor, or an off-stage role as a theatre practitioner.

They will also view live theatre as an audience member as part of their studies and learn to reflect upon the dramatic works created by themselves and others in written and oral tasks.

Pathways – Year 9 Drama; Youth Theatre Ensemble

THE ARTS: SPECIALIST MUSIC – Subject Type: Split; Full Year

The Specialist Music Program will offer performance opportunities, as well as an intensive study of music. We strive for a tradition of excellence and achievement in Music, and a program that is vibrant and innovative.

· Are committed to the intensive study of music within the context of a balanced music education.

· Are committed to the Specialist Music Program from Years 8 to 12.

· Attend all Instrumental Music lessons and retain a high grade

· Intend to study Music to SACE Stage 2 (Year 12).

· Participate in school ensembles/bands (lunchtime and/or after school), attend rehearsals and performances outside of school hours.

Specialist Music Entry

Entry to this course is through application and successful completion of a practical audition and interview. Although usual entry is for Year 7 students enrolling into Year 8, entry to higher year levels is possible but with music prerequisites.

Students accepted into the program are passionate and committed to a music education as part of a high-level, all round education. PASS Candidate selection criteria and application forms and the information brochure outline the process for enrolment and entry into this course.

Topics covered in the Special Music Program include:

· Music Theory

· Aural Training and Development

· Composition and Arrangement

· Concert Practice

· Solo and Ensemble Performance


All Specialist Music students MUST undertake Music Instrumental Lessons either at school through the regional Instrumental Music Service or through a private teacher.

All students must attend Concert Band rehearsal after school 1 day per week.

Pathway – Year 9 Specialist Music

THE ARTS: VISUAL ARTS AND DESIGN – Subject Type: Split; 1 Term and 1 Semester

Visual Arts encompass a selection from the principle areas of:

· Painting

· Drawing

· Sculpture

· Printmaking

· Design

· Art appreciation

Students identify and compare the works of artists, their themes and media used. They develop and refine their skills in a range of practical areas and media. Students analyse, discuss and write about their own and others work, using appropriate terminology. Students keep a developmental work book and are encouraged to plan works, compiling preparatory and final sketches.

Students undertake a range of practical and theoretical tasks to demonstrate the development of concepts and ideas, exploration of media and experimentation, practical application, analysis and responding.

Pathways – Year 9 Visual Arts and Design; After School Arts Club