Level: Stage 2
Prerequisite: Successful completion of EIF
Additional Cost: None
Further Enquiries:
- Please contact Cross-Disciplinary coordinator Ms Sandy Glamuzina
- Phone: 8647 3300
Who Is This Course For?
This course is for all students. It is a compulsory requirement of the SACE.
What Will I Learn?
The purpose of Activating Identities and Futures is for students to take greater ownership and agency over their learning (learning how to learn) as they select relevant strategies (knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do) to explore, create and/or plan to progress an area of personal interest towards a learning output.
Students explore ideas related to an area of personal interest through a process of self-directed inquiry. They draw on knowledge, skills and capabilities developed throughout their education that they can apply in this new context and select relevant strategies to progress the learning to a resolution. The focus of the exploration aims to develop capabilities and support students in their chosen pathways.
How will I be assessed?
The following assessment types enable students to demonstrate their learning in Stage 2 Activating Identities and Futures (AIF):
School assessment
- Assessment Type 1: Portfolio (35%)
- Assessment Type 2: Progress Checks (35%)
External assessment
- Assessment Type 3: Appraisal (30%)